Association Discussion Meeting September 2022

Association Discussion Meeting: September 2022

On 27th September Trinity Grace Church hosted our sixth and final association discussion meeting.

We have held these meetings over the past eighteen months seeking to establish a national association of confessional Baptist churches

We thank our triune God for blessing our meetings and being pleased to unite our churches together for the advancement of our good and his glory among us.

At the meeting the messengers were able to finalize a draft constitution in order to  take it back to our particular churches for consideration, review and approval.  

Our first association meeting is planned for 7th March 2023, where we hope to constitute as a national association of confessional Baptist churches.

Please join with us in praying for our churches and this future association. We also ask that other confessional Baptist churches prayerfully consider holding communion with us under the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith 1677/89.