The Association of Confessional Baptist Churches UK Becomes Official
We rejoice and give thanks to our glorious God for the establishment of a confessional association of churches in the United Kingdom.
On March 7th we held our inaugural assembly at Countesthorpe Baptist Church, Leicestershire, to formally establish the Association of Confessional Baptist Churches in the UK. We praise our God for hearing and answering our prayers in uniting our churches together in a formal association.
This new association of churches is the fruit of many years of prayer, deliberation and discussion, and the fervent desire of our churches to see the restoration of confessional reformed Baptist theology, piety and practice among us. Nine Churches sent messengers to the assembly, with three formally constituting at this time; Living Hope Bible Church, Lydd, Stanley Park Church, Liverpool, and Trinity Grace Church, Ramsbottom. A messenger from each church agreed to hold communion among themselves under the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith 1677/89 according to our constitution and signed a copy of the constitution committing to the following words:
We hold tenaciously to the inerrant and infallible word of God as found in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments in the Holy Bible. This is the one, only, full, final, and sufficient authority in all saving knowledge, faith, and practice. We embrace as our subordinate standard the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 as an accurate expression and summary of that system of doctrine taught in the Holy Bible. We are committed to associate with all other member churches according to the attached constitution, with prayerful and loving support.